
3 'detox water' will easily reduce excess weight

Many people pay attention to weight loss for health reasons or to maintain beauty. For this reason, many people start a diet by tying their waists and stopping eating. But there is no comparison between exercise and a nutritious diet to lose weight. 

In addition to this, another thing that can come in handy is detox water. Detox water made from natural ingredients helps in digestion and removes fat from the body quickly. It also removes toxins from the body.

Drink these three detox water to lose weight along with diet and exercise-

1) Lemon and ginger

This detox water made with lemon and ginger should be drunk every morning, on an empty stomach. In a glass of lukewarm water add half a lemon juice and 1 pinch of ginger powder. Then drink this water. If you drink 1-2 months, as a rule, you will get great results.

2) Cinnamon

Detox water made with the taste and aroma of cinnamon is as delicious as it is beneficial. It is effective in shedding fat and boosting metabolism. There is no pair of cinnamon, especially to get a lean stomach. Put one tablespoon of cinnamon powder or a few pieces of cinnamon in one litre of water. The more time you keep, the better the benefits. You can add apple pieces, honey or green tea. This detox water should be taken before going to bed, not in the morning.

3) Cucumber and mint

This detox water is very popular. It is healthy as well as very tasty. Slice a cucumber and a handful of mint leaves in a bowl with water. Drink it after 2-3 hours. You can drink several times a day.

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